Arnolds Westwoods Hills Unit#4
ARNOLDS WESTWOODS HILLS UNIT#4.tif Lot 243- Permit DENIED Willard C. Stewart to const 141 x 24' family room addn to sing fam dwell; addn to obs 10' rear yard on SW cor & 15' rear yard on NW corner where 20' rear yard is required, at 2004 Sultana St., NW cor Tokay St., Zone R-1-5. ' Case No. 6 735 l 0-9-64 Lot-243- ABOVE APPEALED and appeal denied & the decision of the Zoning Administrator was sustained & affirmed. Case No. 6735 11-17-64 Lot 244- Permit to Barney & Mattie Devina Whitfield to const a 346 sq ft addn to a sfd, addn to obs a 9 1 rear yd at 2004 Tokay St., R-1-5 Zone. Case No. 14174 3-24-77 LOT 276- AGREEMENT with Bernard H. and REnee FRitz to construct an addition to an existing single-family dwelling; said addition to include a master bedroom with full bath and exterior access to the rear yard, addition has interior access from a family room, located at 5536 F Fredonia Street, Rl-5000 Zone.---------------------------------- A~~eemeft~-#~;H-e----------~+~+9-------------