Asbury Park #1
ASBURY PARK #1.tif Lot l- Perait IJDIID to Cnurcb ~ Jeu Cbrit ot Latter Day Sa1Du to iutall green l1.1111te aran acreen oa temporary b.. ia (l or 2 7eara) to exist cbain linlt fence in order to entire~ encloae tacilitiea vbere aol14 fence or wall ia req., at ~720 Mercury- st. betw Vickere St aQIS BngiDffr 111'1 M-1-A Zone. c-10855 ll-2-71 iilovi:Ai> PEAI.iID_TO_Bil_:-;.i> i,eari> Eim> and-'tne-decls1.oiioi'tne-z:A:te-ana.nei-eb;1a--- usta1nec1 and affirmed:. c-10855 12-29-71 Lot 1- Permit to Church or Jesus Christ or Latter Day Saints to constr. 50 1 x 75' build. obs. 15' side yard where 25 1 side yard req. At 4720 Mercury St. betwn. Vickers St. and Engineer Rd., Zone M-lA (Cond'l) C-11743 3-23-73