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Asher's Clover Leaf Terrace 1st Add Block 12

ASHER'S CLOVER LEAF TERRACE 1ST ADD BLOCK 12.tif Lots 24, 25, 26 & SJ.rl- of Lot 27- Permit to Robert K. Whitney, DRA Whitney Enterprises, to construct single fam res R-1 Zone S-269 1-18-55 Lots 28, 29, JO & siyt of Lot 27, Permit to Robert K. Whitney, DRA Whitney Enterprises to const sin fam res, R-1 Zone S-270 1-18-55 Lots 24, 25, 26 & ~ of 27- Permit to Whitney Enterprises, pur & Walter-.nderson, owner~ to const sin ram res & gar wi 5' 'ID on Littlefield st. Res# 8725 2-2-55 Jots 24, 25, 26 & 927- P ennit to Whitney Enterprises to const Ring fam res & gar with 51 rear yd, on tittlefield st. Res # 8726 2-2-55 Lots 28, 29, JO & N 27- Permit to Whitney Enterprises to const sing ram res & gar with 5 1 SB on Lieta & 16 1 on Littlefield Res# 8727 2-2-55