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Asher's Clover Leaf Terrace Block 1& 2

ASHER'S CLOVER LEAF TERRACE BLOCK 1& 2.tif Bet-ween Blocks 1 & 2 S25 1 of N45 1 of R;y. Rt. of Way, R- 4 (Ord. 85 N . '3.) suspended to allow signboard- Permit to Frank Faust, who agrees to move signboard at expiration. Expires 9-11-35. Atlantic '3treet. Res. No. 62065 9-11-34 Between Blks 1-2, R-4, (Ord 85) suspended for signs. Atlantic qi. Permit to Frank Faust, By Res 61537 4/9/34. Expires April 9th, 1935 (Rezoned to "C")