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Development Services

Assessor's Map#20 (Playa De Las Arenas-1st Add To South La Jolla)18

ASSESSOR'S MAP#20 (PLAYA DE LAS ARENAS-1ST ADD TO SOUTH LA JOLLA)18.tif AS;E'3~RS MA.P 1l6, 20 (Pl,:ya de las Arenas- First Add. to ~th I.a Jolla) Permit to H"B. Landes, to erect res. with 12 1 rear yd> 7252 Dunemere Drive, Res No 64329 4/28/36 Lot H'- Permit to Walter s. Lieber to erect a res with 3 rt. sideyd, ~ ft. rear yd and 57.2% coverage. Res No 64828 8/lR/36 Lot 20- Permit to ltatherine F. Stearns, 311 Dunemere Drive, to erect a res. with 5 1611 rearyd. Res. 66378 8/17/37 Lots Lia and 5- Permit to Mrs. F.G. Skinner to build a gar. on the side prop line on front por of lot, near corner of Dunemere Drlve and Monte Vista~. Res 2403 7/30/47 Por. of- Permit for Dines Nelson to build an addn on to a res which has no sideyd and add to h'!ve 13 ft. rear yard,.303 Sea Lane. Res 2269 5/22/47 Lot 9- T.S. and Margaret W. Thompson DENIED permit to const res with 10 ft. access court to 'the street and an 11 ft. rear yard, '1150 Monte Vista Res 3210 6/16/48 Lot 9- ir.s. 'llhompson GRo\NTED 'permit to const 1-story dwelling with 10 ft. access court and 11 ft. rear yd. Appeal was filed on Res 3210 Above. (Filed in book after Res 3210,,.;. ~-.., Res No 90467 8/3/48