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Assessor's Map#27 See Por Pl 1297,Pl 1280,Pl 1281,Pl 1285 Card 2

ASSESSOR'S MAP#27 SEE POR PL 1297,PL 1280,PL 1281,PL 1285 CARD 2.tif ASSESSOR'S MAP NO 21. SEE PL 1297, PL 1280, PL [28[, Pl 1282 CARD 2 Arb. Lot No, 24F- Permit to Edw. R. and Betty P. Dale, owners, and W.W. & Dorothy Stewart, pur, to divide said parcel into 2 -acre parcels and const single family res on each, one fronting on 60 ft. easement and the other served by a 10 1 easement to the 60 1 easement E of LJ Shores Dr., S of Camino del Oro. Arb. Lots 29 and 35- Permit to Emilie J. Haugh has 119.90 ft. street frontage on LJ Shores Dr. to at Res 2964 const a sin fam res Camino del Col!ado Res 3151 3-18-48 on said parcel 5-19-48 N 100 1 of Lot 44A, por PL 1280 and 1281- permit to Alice Gunsaulus to div 100 1 x 200' parcel, LJ Shores Dr. & Vallecitos Ext, into 2 parcels & erect sin fam res on ea Res 4248 11-2-49 which Arb. Lot 1B1- por PL 1281 & 1285- Permit to W.R. Jackson to build sin fam res, Paseo Dorado, W of Avenida Alamar, 20 1 rear yd Res 4390 1-25-50 Arb. Lot 24Fl- Por PL 1297- Cond'J permit to E.L. Anderson to const sin fam res, 10 1 access, approx 192 1 S of E end of Camino del Oro Res 4461 2-23-50 Arb. Lots 44B & 2H- Por PL 1280 & 1281- Permit to Albert A. & Ivy K. Mergens to split out 100 1 x 150 1 & erect sin fam res, E side LJ Shores Dr., 35 1 N of Center line Vallecitos Rd.------------------------'R.:..::e:..::s_44...:..a..9::....:4'--___.3'--..;;.8_.-5::.;:0'--___ P
