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Development Services

Atari Court

ATARI COURT.tif ATARI COURT Lots 35 & 36 (& Lots 37,)8 & 39 Harbor View Hts.,r2)- Permit to Harbor view Assoc. to coru.ple11 const of sing fam res on ea lot & use sarJe for r:iodel homes with 2 1 x 3 1 unlighted model ident. ground sign; all to be located closer than 200 1 from occupied dwellings not in the same subd. & all to be rr:aintained for a period not to e..s:ceed one yr. (See Agreements A-1;28 on ea lot), where model homes, sales office & real estate signs located no closer than 200 1 from occupied dwelling not in same subci.., at;)06,;JJ6 &;;366 Yucca Ave., t;ly of intersection of Tacoma St . & Caflur Ave., R-1-5 Zone, condl. Case No. 6864 12-7-64------------------------------