Atchison Topeka $ Santa Fe Rr
ATCHISON TOPEKA $ SANTA FE RR.tif ATCHISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE RR Por- Permit DENIED to Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co., Owner and c. & S. Leasing, Lessee, to dev prop as a supplemental parking lot to serve Auto Leasing Co. across Morena Blvd to the east, at 2400 Blk Morena Blvd, betw Jellett St and Kane on West side of Morena St. Zone R-4. c-11546 10-24-72 Appealed to BZA- Appeal GRANTED and the decision of the Z.A. be, and hereby is, overruled, and the appellants' appeal is sustained subject to conditions. Appealed_to_Council_- WITBDRAWN_(8-3-73)_____________ C-ll5 46______________:~====~~----------