Atlas Park # 1
ATLAS PARK # 1.tif ATLAS PARK NO. ., '.::.::.,--; ~--'- Por. Lot I- Permit to John M. Murphy, Owner, & Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Lessee, to constr gasoline service 1station on leased parcel, per plans on file, w/3 flood- lite poles, 2 in req plant '-strip on Kearny Villa Rd & 1 in side yd on Sly side of parcel; & omit por of plant strip on Nly side of parcel; 2 lite poles in req plant strip to be in estab 25 1 setback area;- Kearny Villa Rd, 500 1 Sly of intersection of Hiway 395 & Clairemont Mesa Blvd, Zone M-IA; where 10 1 plant strip abutting sts is req & no structures in req plant strip perm; Condi. Case No. 6071 JJ-8-63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I- Z,A. considered appeal of John H. Murphy, Owner, & Sumner Wickersham, Lessee, to erect one 10' x 16', 46 1 hi dble-faced, interior l lted, ID sign, w/1- 12' x 2'411 & w- 8 1 x 11 611, oval signs attach to decorative arrow metal base background w/ inter- mittent neon flashing circles as shown on plans on file in Zoning Div of Planning Dept; edge of sign to obs 10 1 setback where 25' setback estab; DENIED req 10' set- back but APPROVED sign to be so located that supporting p9sts will obs 25 1 setback & main 10' x 16 1 sign will obs setback of not less than 20';- 5211 Kearny Villa Rd betw SE corner Clai remont Mesa & Kearny Vil la Rd,-Zone M-lA. Case No. 7210 7-13-65 Lot I- ABOVE Lessee is now Black Angus Steak House. Case No. 9210 1-27-70 (AMENDMENT)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------