AVALON.tif)--- I AVALON Lot 37- Permit to Frederick D. & Esther L. Honey to constr patio structure, open on 2 sides, attach to res; patio to obs 4 1 rear yd & 3' from eaves to PL; exist res obs 3' rear yd at l pt;- 3574 Elsinore Pl, E of Kenosha Ave, Zone R-1. Case No. 4138 6-16-61 Lot 48- Permit to Standley B. & Minalyn Wincote to erect 3' hi retain wall w/6 1 hi solid wood fence on top from Nly lot line, 60' Sly slong Ely lot line obs 9 1 set- back on Elsinore Pl (12' req)- 3535 Elsinore Pl, Zone R-1. Case No. 4492 (N.H.) 10-18-61---------------------------------------------------------------,----------------------- Lot 36- Permit to P.C.T., Inc. to constr single fam res w/garage, w/portion of dwell obs 11' setback on Kenosha Ave where 12' estab;- 3586 Elsinore Pl, Zone R-1. Case No. 5016 6-7-62 Lot 48- Permit to Mario G. & Conception Umel to use property for residential-care facility (six persons) DENIED. 3535 Elsinore Place. Zone R-1-5. C-14314. 6-7-77.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 51- Permit to Robert L. & Dorothy R. Karen to conat a second story addn to a sf'd obs a 10'3" front yard at 3575 Elsinore Pl. R-l-5 Zone. Conditions. C-14535 NH, 8-4-77,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------