Avalon Heights Card 1
AVALON HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif ... C> Ot(ooc, l,.. Q. '2-r--\--1r1S- ' . AYttQN HElGHTr. Lot 18-N-50 1 Crd.8924) suspended to a]low addition to res. at 4364 Hawk St, side yd 516" rear yd 8 1 and lot coverage 37% Granted to Fred E. Dodge, 4364 Hawk 1t. Res72661 ll/12/40 Lot 3 Res to within 81 of P.L. ~1:mited by Jessie A. Temple, 4293 Hawk st 12/7/36 (no action, see folder) Permission denied F.A. & Harriet W. Burton, 4374 Arcadia Dr. for variance to Ord. 12990 for altering res. to duplew. Lots 33-34, Avalon Hts. Res. lf739JO, April 22, 1941 Lots 33-34 Conditional permit to Harriet W. Burton to altti:t'---iarge two story sin fam res at 4374 Arcadia Dr. into 3 living units '------------------E... e... a....,___,,,10.....,42____________.6.,.,/.,.2-'2'./IJ..,.1,..,~---- Lots 22 and 23 Permit to Ella Graham to redivide said lots into two new parcels and permit a single fam. res. on each, 4319 Avalon Drive R,;~. #3532 11/3/48 Lot 18 exf Nly 1/2 Permit to Chas & Rose Elget to erect gar incidental to rex, 0 1 sideyd W side Hawk, N of Avalon Dr. Res. #4948 9/6/50 Sly por Lot 16, Permit to C.P. & Gwendolyn de Jonge to const 6 1 high fence obs 0 1