Avalon Heights Card 6
AVALON HEIGHTS CARD 6.tif AVJ!i!.m HEIGHTS O 6 IC ~0 c. L. <.. 1 h\- n, '.,- CARD #6 Lot 40- PI.ANNING DIRECIDR GRANTED a Hillside Review Permit to SUSAN RAFFE to construct a two-sto:cy, single-family residence with a baseirent, located onthe north side of Arcadia Drive (4396 Arcadia) in the Uptown Comnunity, Map 1453, Rl-500 (HR overlay) Zone. HR #87-0636 8-5-88 Lot 8- ZA APPROVED request of MISSION HILLS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY to construct (1) an additiohn to expand an existing, nonconferming garage attached to a single family dwelling; said addition to observe 3'-2" front yard at closest point where 15 1 is required (existing garage observes 3'-4''); (2)a master bathroom add. within reconstructed exterior bldg. walls of single-family dwelling; said addition to observe a 10 1-11'' front yard at closest point where 15' is required; and (3) maintain 14 1-10" high portion of xisting deck and railing comprised of 11 1 high deck with 3 1 high open railing on top observing 2'-6" south side yard where 4 1 os required, located at 4334 Arcadid Street, Rl-5000 Zone, Rl-4000 Zone, Hillside Review Overlay Zone. with conditons. C-20622 9-7-90 Lot 27- AGREEMENT with William and Francis Racette to remodel a single-family dwelling, as follows: to construct a new interior staircase on middle level with access to existing kit"hen and living room; int 13rinr s,.ai ~ca.,e leads to ne-T lower level which consiRtS of 9 1-2" wide opening to day room leading to hallway, full bathroom and bedroom. Staircase also leads to new laundry room. Five exterior accesses are proposed on new lowe~ level, loca,.ed at 4134 Avalon Drive, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT #5159 10/16/91