Avenue Cts. (See Also Burn Courts)
AVENUE CTS. (SEE ALSO BURN COURTS).tif....-;-- AVENUE cirs': (~e also 'Burns Courts).-"...., Arb tot No 58 Permit to Mrs. Marcos Miranda to maintain and complete liv qtrs. above a gar at 911 Burns Cts, on parcel willh no ptreet fiohtage, accordi..~g to plans submitted. Res. 1/2608 10/22/47 Parcel 52, Assessor's Map 1/1 (tot 8, Blk 3, in unrecorded subd kno-wn as having frontage: n Wallace Ct., which is not a dadica ted st. Zone R-4 M & Julia F. Kelly to const single ram. res. Res. 8175 AVENUE COURTS Permit to Graham 5-12-54 Parcel 53, Assessor's Map #1 (tot 9, Blk 3, in unrecorded subd known as Avenue Courts) having frontate on Wallace Ct., which is not dedicated st. Zone R-4 Permit to R.J. & Onie O. Lively to const sin fam res. Res. 8174 5-12-54 Blk 3 Lot 10 (Por of P.L. 1343) Permit to R J & Oneie Lively to const sing fam res on par without ded st. fr., on W side Wallace Ct, betw Logan & Nqt 11 Aves. Res. #8563 10-27-54