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Axene Industrial Park Card#2

AXENE INDUSTRIAL PARK CARD#2.tif AXtN~ INDUSTFUAL PARK. C- r.._'-5-,, ~- 'I L,c.. CARD #2 Por. lots l &3- ZA DEN I ED request (amended) of GUSTAVO MONTAUDON, DOLORES C. MONTAUDON, GUSTAVO J. MONTAUDON, RICARDO A. MONTAUDON; owners, TRI-CITY LEASING (DBA) MIR MESA DODGE, lessee, to (1) constr. a 2,192.16 sq. ft, sales bldg. attached to an existing busfness office office and sales building, observing a 17' interior side yard where a 25' interior side yard is reqd at 4910 Kearny Mesa Rd., Zone M-IA. C-18967 11 /20/85------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Division of Lot 2 & Portion of Lot 1- ZA APPROVED request of ROQUEE DE LA FUENTE ALEXANDER REVOCABLE TRUST NO. L, OWNER; ROGER SATHER, PURCHASER to maintain 51 ft. of block wall varying in height from 7'4" to 7'10" with 1' of open sharp pointed fence on top for a max. height of 8'7" observing a side yard at the closest point, located on the west side of Kearny Mesa Rd., south of Vickers St., M-lA zone with cond. C-19648 7/31/87