Azure Coast #2 Card 001
AZURE COAST #2 CARD 001.tif AZtJltl COAST JfO. 2 / '.. L, c_-,&--..,..._.-_.-,....,-~ e.JI. r.U:J #- I Lot 76- AGREEMEBT #1435 to Lawrence N. & Evelyn Solomon to constr sing fam. res w/bar sink in '.l.1.v rm on second level at 7161 Starligtrt Dr 7/8/66, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 85- Permit to Raymond T. Stewart to const sing fam dwell with gar obs 20 1 rear yd where 25 1 is req at 2766 Costebelle Dr. betw Costebelle Way & Moonridge Pl., Zone R-1-20. Case No. 8079 N.H. 3-31-67---------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 83- Permit to Collins Development Co. to const sing fam res with attached gar with one c cor of gar (approx 6 sq. ft.) obs 221711 SB on Starlight Dr. where 25!- SB is est.ab, at 7751+ Starlight Dr. at NW cor of its intersection with Moonrtdge Dr., Zone R-1-20 Case No. 8200 N.H. 6-22-67----------------------------------------------------------Lot 59- Z.A. considered app to const.dwell.& attach.gar with res obs 20 1 rear yd where 25 1 is req. at 2733 Costabelle Dr. bet Costabelle Way & Moonridge Dr., Zone R-1-20. GRANTED Case No,8666 4-26-68-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 59- Permit to Dr Manuel & Paula Rotenberg (amended applic) to erect approx 40' of 7' high wood fence & 16' of 8' high i.rood fence, Axure Coast /f2., at 2733 Costebel1e Dr, Zone R-1- 20; granted request. Case No. 8828 (N.H.) 8-13-68 Lot 61- Permit to Everitt H, & Suzanne Clark to maint exist tool shed attached to non- ~, conforming ga~e obs 19 1 6" SB, shed obs 11' front yd where 25' is estab & exist 4' hi block wall where a wall or fence not exceeding 3' in ht is perm in estab SB 2759 costebelle Dr., betw costebelle Way & Moonridge Pl. Zone R-1-20 condl C-9434 8-12-69