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Development Services

Azure Coast #2 Card 002

AZURE COAST #2 CARD 002.tif AZURE COAST NO. 2 CARD NO.,i: Lot 81- Asst. Z.A. considered application of Dr. Robt. B. & Mandy Livingston to erect (1) 84 1 of 4 1 hi wood screen fence obs 3' SB & (2) 24' of 5' hi wood screen fence obs 12' SB where max 3' fence perm in estab 25' SB;- 7770 Starlight Dr, Nly of Moonridge Dr, Zone R-1-20; & has (1) DENIED & (2) APPROVED. AMEND Item (1)- 12-22-70 Case No. 10232 N.H. 12-9-70 Lot 82- Permit to Raymond & Bonnie Stewart to constr tennis ct on vacant lot where accessory structures perm only on lot w/perm use;- 7762 Starlight Dr betw Moonridge Dr & dead-end, Zone R-1-20; Condi. Case No. 10874 11-17-71 Lot 54- Permit to Stanley A. & Jean W. Maykut to constr single fam dwell obs at closest pt a 611 SB where 25' estab;- 7914 Costebel le Way betw Costebel le Dr & end of Cul-de-Sac., Zone R-1-20, Case No. 11078 3-17-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 68 & 69- Pennit to Cornelius G. & Barbara B. Dutcher to (1) erect 120' of cedar board fence 5 'hi, observing 5' SB on both lots where a Il'aX 3' hi fence is penn; 2) maintain exis garage building on Lot 68 where bldg is only p:an as accessory to main dwelling unit on lot in the 7700 blk M:xmridge Pl. between Costebell Drive and end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-20, Conditional C-10181 N.H 11/9/70