Azure Vista Block A
AZURE VISTA BLOCK A.tif ("C' AZURE VISTA L,C.,.-2.o <.-1-lu,"t/ BLOCK A Lot 5- Permit to R. F. & J. Bettencourt to erect 6 1 Cornish (22'611 req)- 941 Cornish Dr, Zone R-1; Condi. Case hi retain wall obs 5' SB on No. 6024 9-23-63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 6- Permit to Edith M. Wahlberg to constr res patio obs O' side yd w/4 1 req; result in 47% coverage where 40"/o perm- DENIED but GRANTED coverage approx 41%; Condi; Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8934 10-23-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Wilhelm & Ruth Kellerman for perm. toderect 15' of solid block wall 3.5 1 to 7.5 1 high, wall to obs. 01 front yard,wwhere 15' is req. At 963 eornish Dr. betwn. M:> naco and Hill Sta. Zone R-l-5 (Cond. 11) 6-11880 3-30-73 Lot 7- Permission is granted to Owner/Permittee to partially demolish, remodel, and add to an existing single-family residence Coastal Development located at 923 Cornish Dr. Rl-5000 Zone. Coastal Development Permit 93-0279 7/7/93 /