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Development Services

Azure Vista Block 3 Card 003

AZURE VISTA BLOCK 3 CARD 003.tif-...,.__,.-.................,,,...-.. ~.....------..,,.._ AZURE VISTA BLOCK M CARD,J Por Lots 1-2- Permit to Eleanor Moore to constr 120 sq ft gazebo addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 46% lot cov where 40"/o is perm at 886 Cordova St. betw Monaco St. and C~rmelo St. Zone R-1-5. WITHDRAWN C-11 08 Lot 23, AGREEMENT with David and Tina Ordway to extend existing den w of bar sink w/interior & exterior access to an existing one-story, family dwelling-:-Ab,839 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. AGREE. A-3562 3-2-87 Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 7124 being a division of Lot 11- Agreement with Matthew J. Roth to construct a two-story, 4-bedroom house as per plan (Plan File No. F53990), said unit has exterior access to both floors with kitchen located upstairs at 715 Cordova Street, zone Rl-5000. Agreement #3663 3-19-87 Lot 16- AGREEMENT with ALBERT L. HALFF to construct a full bath within the garage of the home being constructed, at 895 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., Map 1981, Rl-5000 zone. AG/14548 2/7/90. Lot 16- HEARING OFFICER GRANTED a Coastal Development/Sensitive Coastal Resource Permit to BRO HALFF to construct a single-family residence located on Sunset Cliffs Boulevard between Monaco Street and Carmelo Street, Map 1981, Rl-5000 Zone. CDP/SCR #89-0529 8-4-89