Azure Vista Block D
AZURE VISTA BLOCK D.tif AZURE VISTA. BLOCK D o ~ 1.:t "" 1 L-. C.-i.o"'- 1 lP '{i Lot. 4..- Permit ENIED to Roy G. & Kate Klumpp to complete const of a sing fam res with stair, way encro 32" into req 4' side yd at 705 Cornish Dr. betw Casitas St. & Cal ,1estern Univer sity, Zone R-1-5. Case ifo. 8078 4-4-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4- ABOVE Case No. 8078 Appealed and appeal Granted and the decision of the Z.A. is overruled, Cond 11. Case No. 8078 5-19-67--------------------------------------------Lot 4- ABOVE Case No. 8078 Appealed to City Council by Franklin R. Dougherty and the decis- sion of' the Board of Zoning Appeals is sustained and the appeal is DENIED by CC Res. No. 190752. Case No. 8078 6-23-67----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit APPROVED to Hubert H. & Angela Caspers for perm to constr approx 45 1 of retaining wall rnaging in height from 0 1 to 41 obs at closest point a 0 1 front yard, where max 3' high wall is perm in req 15' front yard, at 723 Cornish Drive betwn. Lad.era St. and Casitas Street, in the R-l-5 Zone. C-12,263 N.H. 10.. 18-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------