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Azure Vista Block F Card 001

AZURE VISTA BLOCK F CARD 001.tif AZURE VISTA D O i c~--,:: ~ L,. '--~_---~ s.;:-1.... 1_;- l.c, 1 ~ BLOCK F CARD NO. I Lot 6- Permit to Melvin & Joanne Carr to erect 61 hi fence on Ely prop line, 7' above average adj grade level, & 71 hi x 20 1 long fence on top of exist 6 1 hi retain wall on Wly property line, & 5' hi fence on top of 6 1 retain wall along remainder of W property line (6 1 above average adj grade level perm)- 4447 Marseilles St, Zone R-1. Case No. 4493 N.H. 10-18-61 Lot I- Permit to Alan H. & Viola Secord to erect fence ranging from 6 1 to 12' hi along Sly & Wly property line where fence max 6 1 above average adj ground level perm; 936 Cornish Dr, SW corner Cornish Dr & Marseilles St, Zone R-1-5; Condi. Case No. 7243 6-21-65 Lot 23- Permit to Edwin K. & Beverly Q. Hom to constr dwel I encr 18" into req 17 1 611 average SB of blk on Monaco St;- 4484 Monaco St betw Cordova St & Cornish St, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 7748 6-13-66 Lot 7- Ronald & Arielle Brenneck to install bar sink in fam rm addn to single fam dwell;- 4455 Marseilles St, Zone R-1. Agreement 1181 6-2$-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 12- Permit to Murray L. & Lois Kaplan to constr single fam res w/corner of house obs 20' SB on Cordova St where 25' SB estab; W par R.O.S. 4974;- 4497 Marseilles St, SE corner of intersection w/Cordova St, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8419 N.H. 10-25-67