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Azure Vista Block F Card 002

AZURE VISTA BLOCK F CARD 002.tif AZURE VISTA___.c1Q_,a.'t,\ /....L-~oc.,-1ir'li BLOCK F "----- ~ CARD NO. 2 Lot 11- Agreement #1034 to Jack & Carol Fletcher to install bar sink in basement rumpus rm. 5-28-59 Lot 24- Permit to Ellsworth H. & Aida Shu111Nay to constr 2-story single fam dwell w/bar sink in 1 bedrm on 1st flr;- 907 Cordova St, Zone R-1-5. Agreement 1713 10-4-71 Lot 1- Permit APPROVED by A2A to STEVE ELBOGEN to erect 80' of 8 1 high retaining wall with 6 1 high solid fence on top (overall height 14' on the interior side yard) where maximum 6 1 high retaining wall with 3.5' high open fence on top is permitted, at 936 Cornish Drive, Zone R-1-5. C-17258 NH 5-14-81