Azure Vista Block G Card 001
AZURE VISTA BLOCK G CARD 001.tif_,.,............ .......- w-- --- ~.........--- AZURE VISTA BLOCK G CARD 1.. Lot 9- Pennit to Marvin & Ruth Bailin to Maintain exist grapestake fence on top of exist retaining wall; fence 5 1-5" to 5 1-8" high on top of retaining wall from 4 1-411 to 7'-10" high for an average height ranging from 12 1 to 13'-3"; and ranging from 7'-10" to 1 '-4" above average adj3R:ound level (6 1 perm) at 4495 Monaco St. betw Cornish Or. & Cordova St., Zone R-1. Cond 1 1. Case No. 4940 6-7-62 Lot 4- Pennit to Tessler Co., Inc. to const sing fam res with attacheg gar and open porch patio covering approx 42% of lot"where 40% coverage is penn, on Monaco St., betw Cordova St. & Cornish Dr. Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6505 5-20-64 Lot 20- Permit to Alvin & Frances Cushman to const. 22' x 26' fam. rm., bdrm. & bath add. over att. garage to sing fam res add. to obs 15' rear yard where 20' rear yd i~ req. at 875 Cordova St., at NE corner Cordova and Brindisi St. Zone R-1-5.!:J:;zo- Au,4in4 ti-ti! &~'l--4:i Case No. 6785 10-30-64 Lots 9 & 10- Pennit to Mr. & Mrs. Milton Cooper to const a 6 1 x 6 1 sunshade structure connecting two exist 6 1 x 30 1 sunshad structures resulting in a structure 6 1 x 66 1 encroaching 20' into the req 20 1 rear yard, at 4495 Monaco St. at the southeast corner of its intersection with Cordova St. in the R-1-5 Zone, condl. Case No. 7536 1-12-66