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Azure Vista Resub Block J Card 1

AZURE VISTA RESUB BLOCK J CARD 1.tif AZURE VISTA RESUB (BLOCK J) Lot 9- Permit to Geo. E. wall obs O' SB from Casitas Zone R-1. & Phoebe Moffat to maintain 4' hi fence on St;- 735 Cordova St, SE corner Casitas St Case No. 3934 N.H. CARD #1 top of retain & Cordova St, 3-13-61 Lot 8- Permit to Earl M. & Rae Solomon, Owners, & Emery S. & Evelyn G. Willardson, Purchasers, to constr single fam res w/attach garage, obs 17' SB on Cordova St (25' req)- betw Casitas & Carmelo Sts, Zone R-1. (Denied req. 14 1 SB) Case No. 3939 3-17-61 Lot JO- Permit to Josef & Elizabeth Murek to constr 20' x 27' family rm addn over exist garage; addn to obs 16 1 rear yd & garage to obs 18' rear yd where 20' req;- 4454 Casitas St betw Cordova St & Cornish Dr, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 9120 N.H. 2-4-69 Lot 6- Permit to Mrs. L. P, Clause to constr res patio obs all yd req but result in approx 44% coverage where 40% perm;~ 4453 Carmelo St betw Cordova St & Cornish Dr, Zone R-1-5. Case No. 9210 N.H. 3-24-69 Lot 3- Permit to E.W. & M.A. Ribb to bid cone blk wall to front prop line 6' above gradef 4423 Carmelo St. Res 3859 5-4-49 ------i~-t-9-:-p~-rmTt-to-i.1oy;f1:-co11lrignant1o-coris1:ratTli111J'"111r"a"dt!rrw71n-olr-sTnK,_____________ at 735,CGrdova Street.- Zone R-1-5. AGREE# 2186 ij-J:76---------------------~---------~-------------------------------------~- ~~- -- ----~--.-,....,--. .. ~---- --.. '-.-. , -