Balboa Shopping Center Card 001
BALBOA SHOPPING CENTER CARD 001.tif BALBOA SHOPFING CENTER e CARD#l Lot 2- Permit to Tavares Co. to const retail service sta obs a~l yd req but having 5'-6 11 plant sttip on public prop where a 10' planting strip on private prop is req., at 4200 Block Genesee Ave., betw SE cor Mt. Etna Dr., extended & Gensee Ave., Zone C- lA-Cond' 1 ~-- C-6656 8-28-64 Lot 2- Permit to Tavares Co. to const retail service sta obs all yd reg but having 5'-6" planting strip on private prop and 4'-6" planting strip on publ:f.c~:prop where a 10' planting strip on private prop is req., at 2400 Block Genesee Ave., NE cor Mt. Etna extended & Genesee Ave., Zone C-lA Cond'l. // C-6657 (Shell) 8-27-64 Lot 2- Permit to Tavares Co., to const a retail service station obs ally yd req but having 3 '-6" planting strip on private prop & 6'-6" planting strip on publit,.prop where a 10' planting strip on private prop is req; at 5800 Block Balboa Ave., betw Genesee Ave. & Mt. Abernathy Ave., Zone C- lA- Cond ' 1 C-6653 (Texaco) 8-27-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------