Balboa Towers #1 Card 002
BALBOA TOWERS #1 CARD 002.tif BALBOA TOWERS /fl, ',- CARD f2 Lot 9- Z.A. llas considered tne request of Leadersllip Housing to erect one 10' x 12' x 18' llign, double-faced, identification sign and ten double-faced, 3' x 61 x 12' lligll feature signs all obs O' SB vllere 15' is estab and wllere max 20 sq. ft. sign 8 1 nigll is p perm; at Mt. Alifan betw Genessee Ave and Mt. Aguilar Dr, Zone R-3 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED For a period of 2 years, one temporary, free-standing, unligllted, double- faced, 3' x 8' ID sign with a max beignt of 10' from ground to apex with a min 6 1 611 clearance between tbe ground and bottom of tile sign, subject to conditions. ~_L,__ ~:i.f..-:Z4--__ -_~LJ~L=..7..(.2__:==~~~:____________________::::=~------ Lot 10, Parcel 2 (PM 679) ~ap 5638- APPROVED req of Goldtidh, Kest, Hirsch & Stern, dba Genesee Park Jl> artments, a Ltd. Prnshp, to prov I 36 parking spces for Sr Citizen Aptmnt Complex, where 221 spces are req- Parcel 2 of Lot 10, (P.M. 679) w/conds. C-11062 3-3~-72---Parcei-1:-i.c,i-io-=-i>;.;;-eoi,p-to-;;.;ct-2&:>;-o;-;t~cco-;iii;-5;-bisn-~b;-5,----- sB on Genesee Ave wnere a max 3' b.igh wall is perm in a 15' estab SB- Genesee Court E, betw Oeneaee Ave and end of Cul-de-sac. Zone R-3. Cond '1. C-11231 R.H. 5-9-72 Lot 12- Permit a~"ended request of Hyman Dosick, et al to maintain exist 12' x 4' 7-11 sign and to erect additional ID 12' x 5' sign; botn signs recessed into roof of bldg wnere wall signs are not perm above parapet or eaves of tile bldg; at 4091 Genesee Ave. SE Cor at intersection witn Mt, Alifan Dr. Zone CN. Cond'l. C-11212 5-22-72