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Development Services

Balboa Towers Card 001

BALBOA TOWERS CARD 001.tif BALBOA TOWERS () C '5 ~ V, ''.\ l, ~ CARD /11 Lot l- Z.A. considered the request of East Clairemont Properties, Co., owner & American Oil Co., lessee, to const serv sta with 51 solid wood fence adjoining Lot 3 (Zone R-3) and erect one 6 1 x 101 x 23 1 high revolving growid sign with pedestal encro 5', edge of sign /encro 10 1 into req 101 planting strip at intersection of Balboa Ave. & Mt. Alifan Dr.; & \/ erect two 3011 x 48" price signs, & two light standards encro 10 1 into req 101 planting strip on Mt. Alifan Dr., all signs & light standards to encro into estab 15 1 SB on Mt. Alifan Dr. & Balboa Ave. where no structures are perm in or over the req 101 planting strip or estab SB, on Lotl, Balboa Towers, at 6o55 Balboa Ave. at the SW cor of Blaboa Ave. & Mt. Alifan Dr., Zone C-lA; and after consideration of the finding of facts, has DENIED the two price signs as requested, but APPROVED the signs encro 51 into the req 15 1 SB; APPROVED the growid sign and light standards to encro as requested, Cond 1l.,m:!&.__f_.:.L!~-~;l._~_ ~ L = ~4 ~~~~~~~:-~-------------~=:=~~------- tf 11- fl- N_!J:;.. Jr. 4+1cf..t_,.;..t iu.. ~,,_ ~-t-~~ kf <~1 ~ LJut..f-,--~ JZ.. ~ f'4'~ J..t r a..,._ ~,lW"""-1 ~ al (/d.26 /4tl.?-t- <~ J.n. 6-:;CJ~, Lot 9- Permit to Macco Corp to constr 288 uni, apt complex with portion of open parking on Genesee Ave. encroaching 7' into 15' estab SB where no parking is perm in R-3 zone at the SE cor Mt. Pl & Genesee Ave., Zone R-3 condl. 1;_,__,.5c 7 C-9302 B.H~ 5-20-69-"ti-t.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,. \