Balboa Towers Commercial Site Card 2
BALBOA TOWERS COMMERCIAL SITE CARD 2.tif BALBOA TOWERS COHHERC I AL SI TE,.._,._,_ -: '.,_ L r-....._,..._,..., W'..-........ ' '-;.! ~ C- I I I S"" ' CARD #2 Lot 3- COVENANT & AGREEMENT to Donald F. & Betty H. Bassett to combine the above tao parcels into one parcel in order to comply with the zoning req for driveway width betw parking stalls, at 5901-5953 E. Balboa Ave.,Zone AGREE #2178 7-16-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Permit to Donald F. & Betty H. Bassett to use drivewy separtating Parcel 2 of Parcel Kap #2533 and Parcel B,of Parcel Hap $649 as a common aisle turnaround for parking on two separate parcels, at 5901- 5953 Balboa Ave., Zone CA-S. c-13,726 7-16-76