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Development Services

Balboa Townhouse Resub #2

BALBOA TOWNHOUSE RESUB #2.tif Lots 24-32- Permit to Steve Drogin & John Poutous to erect approx 670 1 of wood fence obs 2' SB on Balboa Ave. were a max 3' hi fence is perm in 15' at 6699 Beadnell Way betv Cannington Dr. & Charger Blvd., in the R-4 Zone, C-9523 ll.H. 5' hi solid estab SB condl 9-24-69 Lots 33-40- Permit to Steve Drogin & John Poutous to const 72 unit apt complex with 72 park spaces (1) 24 spaces on vest lot line do not have access on same lot or premises where parking spaces are req to have access to a public street or alley from same lot or premises; (2) to erect approx 439 of 5' hi solid fence obs 0' SB on Balboa Ave. where a max 3' hi fence is perm in 15' estab SB & 157' of 5' hi solid wood fence obs from 0' to 14' SB where 15' is estab at the 5700 blk of Beadnell Way abetv Charger Blvd. & ~~~~~on~~I;-;! 7 gondl_____________________________ c-9765_____ 5-13-70___________ Lot 40- Permit to Steve Drogin & John Poutous to erect one 10' x 12' dble-faced, lited, ID sign advert apts on same lot, overall ht 20', where max 40 sq ft & 8 1 ht is perm, sign to obs O' SB on Balboa Ave & Charger Blvd., where 15' SB is estab on 13alboa Ave betw Cajlning_ton Dr & Cha~!!!r. Blvd., Zone R-4, condl. Cll-1'1- '1.l>- '1'w ~.), c~10098 9.-22-70 'l~~h-~:.JJ.:.J.J!,lJ.:J.:.J!L_~_of;/;.Cf- 2.~.:-_~-2&:.~c=l-~~b.~~t::.