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Balboa Vista Block E

BALBOA VISTA BLOCK E.tif BALBOA VISTA Lot 12- Request of Chandrika & Betzy Zwingli (TABLED) to const 7'-4ff x 45 '-8 sunshade structure addn to exist sing fam res; add.n to encroach 51 into 151 average of the blk SB. Zone R-1-5, at 2415- 56th St. Case No. 766J 4/29/66------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 12- ABOVE Case No. 7663- Z.A. considered the app of Chandrika & betzy Zwingli to const a 7 14 11 x 45 1811 sunshade structure add to exist sing fam res, the add to encroach 5 1 into 15' average of the block SB, and DENIED app aa requested but APrlWVED a.:' add to the exist 3 1 wide eave making a total eave projection of 5', 2415 56th St. betw Laurel St. & Kathleen Pl. Zone R-1-5, Cond 11. Case No. 7663 6-J0-66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 8- Permit to Richard & Lula Washington to constr second story addn to exist sin fam dwell with bar sink in first floor:fami4' room at 2461- 56th St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2053 5-19-75