Bay Ocean View Block 4
BAY OCEAN VIEW BLOCK 4.tif BAY OCEAN VIEW Lots 12, 13, and 14- Permit to Vincent Castro to main approx 120 1 of 5'5" wall and fence to obs at clst pt a O' front yard on Earl Street. 2051 Earl Street, R-2 Zone, C-15105 NH. 4-27-78,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 9, 10 and 11- Permit to Sergio and Beatrice A. Espinoza to main approx 75' of 3' high sol id wall with 2' high open fence on top (overall height 5'), 15' of 5' high chain 1 ink fence and 15' of 5' high solid block wall obs a O' ia front yard. 2039 Earl Street. R-2 Zone. C-15350 NH. 7-19-78.