Bay Park Village Card 1
BAY PARK VILLAGE CARD 1.tif BAY-PARK-VILLAGE- CARDf / Lot 181 Permit to Joe F.d.ward. Moreno to maintain exist. foundation and erect hereon app}"OX 30 lineal ft of concrete blk-wall to height of 51 above sidewalk grade alohg property line on Little Field Street, NEly cor of Chicago and Littlefield ~reet.e. Res. #3/J..5 9-8-48 Lot 249 Permit to Chas."" Ayes to const. 6 1 fence, Littlefield St. Property line, NWcor Littlefield & Chicago 1ts. Condl Res. #3718 2-23-49 Lot 59 Permit to L F Wheatbread to erect bedrm & ba"7h addn to exist res wi-rh 18 1 111 rear yd, 1815 Erie,gt. Res. #f:h49 7-23-52 Ely 80 1 Lot 233 Permit to City of ~n Diego to const & Oper municipal fire st,tion, W side Chicago bet Napier & Ashton Res. 1/7242 3-18-53 Lot 68 Permit to Chester C Mersman to const sing fam res with 17 1 rear yd,-rw cor Milton & Erie gts. Res. 1/7640 8-5-53 Lo6 248- Z.A. considered the app of Robt w. Roach, owner, & Blais Realey, lessee, to main- tain one 4 1 x 9 1, double-faced, interior lighted, post-mounted ID sign for "Blaia Realt;r"; pole to obs 126tt SB and edge of sign to obs 6 1 SB where a 15' SB is eatab on Morena Blvd., edge of sign to extend 4' over 101 landscape strip req to be clear to the sq, at 1903 Morena Blvd., NE cor of Littlefield St., Zone C-lA, and bas DENIED the app as requested, but. APPROVEI sign with pole obs 12.5 1 SB and edge of sign obs 9~5 1 SB, Cond'l. Case No. 8686 6-4-68 APPEALED and decision of Z.A. overrul.Wciand appeal GRANTED, Cond'l. Case No. 8686 8-16-68 eua Lrrdezaps fiiu a 4il S~(L-N85