Bay Park Village Card 5
BAY PARK VILLAGE CARD 5.tif BAY PARK VILLAGE 00 2-.~..i o c, t.., c.. "2 '2 '-I 1-, a S" CARD #5 Lot 10- Permit GRANTED to PAUL MOLES, an individual, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Residential Development located on Erie Street between Napier Street and Milton Street, Zone R-1-5. PRO #20-222-0 5-11-81 Lot 47- AGREEMENT with LORRAINE add on to an existing SFD with move-on struct- ure containing 6 rooms & toilet & tub; exterior walls are to match in color texture & tone. at 4427 Ashton St., Zoned Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3253 3/14/85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 116- Agree A 3673 that Ernie & carol Brean (2) rarodel exist. rnaster bedrocm & (b) to construct a 4'6" by 14'6" enc. passage way to provide both interior & exterior access between the master bedrocm & the existing residence at 1801 Denver St. Zone Rl-5000 3-28-87 Lot 183- Agreement with William L. and Janet L. Oliver to construct bedroom addition with full bath to existing single family dwelling unit with interior and exterior access. 1815 Chicago Street, Rl-5000 A-3690 4/09/87 Lot 90, Map #2209- Agreement with Bernard & Shari Gately to construct a bedroom addition to existing single family dwelling; addition to provide no plumbing, but to provide outside access. 1930 Erie Street, Zone R-1-5000 A 3798 08-25-87