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Development Services

Bay Park Vista #2 Block 4

BAY PARK VISTA #2 BLOCK 4.tif BAY.:f> ARK 111qTA #2 BLOCK 4-Lot 1 Permit DENIED TO Geogge R. & Jane ~nchez to bld 4 1 fence on prop line in fr of 'Th line, NW cor Baker & Borreson st. R-i Res. #6176 2- b-52 Lots 6 & 7 Permit to ~eelcrete, Inc. to rediv into J par, 2 to be 57 1 4" x 125 1, one to be 50' x 125 1 & erect sing fam res on ea, Borreson St bet Baker & Ticonderoga, on cond that foundation on filled por be arproved. Res. 1/6684 8-6-52 Lots 6 & 7 6 mo. ext. to Res 6684 ABOVE to permit qteelcrete, Inc to rediv into 3 par, & erect sing fam res on ea, Borreson '> t bet Baker & Ticonderoga. Res. 1{1193 2-18-53 Lot 1 Permit DENIED to Geo J & Mildred N Duhamel to const 4 1 chain link fence on prop 11 in fr of 'IB line 3526 Baker st. Res. 7313 4-1-53 Lots 6 & 7 FmAL E'fT, to Steelcrete, Inc. on Res 7193 ABOVE, to rediv into 3 par, Borreson St bet Baker & Ticonderoga Res. 7617 7-22-53 Lot 1 Permit to Geo J. & Mildred N Duhamel to maintain exist retaining wall 8 1 high on Wend & 51 high on E end; & erect a 31 high chain 8 1 above grade on east end; also to const a 4 1 hi wall in sb area along wend of lot from gar to p.l., where fence mas height of 6 1 above grade is perm, at 3526 Baker st,, NW cor of Borreson st. & Bciker ~., Zone R-1 C-3847