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Bay Park Vista Unit #3

BAY PARK VISTA UNIT #3.tif- MY PAIK VlS'fA UII'l' IO. $ 0 o-z. ""he,, "-I ~..__... ~Jlt,,-~ ~--- Blk 5- Lota 19, 20- to Steecrete Ind. Bldga, Inc. to rediv lot, l to be 65 1 x 100', otner 58' x 100', Chicago & Baker Sta Rea. 6526 6/11/52--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blk 5- Lota 19, 20 Permit ABOVE, amended to change linea in rediv lots Rea 6886 10/1/52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blk 7- Lot l- Permit to Wm. L, & Melva R~ to const sing atory, 24' x 28' detach gar on parcel w/exist sing tam res; gar to encroach 16 1 into req 20' rear yd, 38~6 Zoe st, 11W cor Zoe & Sumter, R-1-5 Cond, C-7966 12/23/66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 30- Permit to Louis & Relin Haumont to erect 200' of concrete block retain wall 8' hi. obs 0' int. side yd. on both sides & a 4' rear yd. where a max. 61 hi. wall is perm. in a 4' int. side yd. & a 20' rear yd; at 3721 Baker St. betw. Chicago St. & Lloyd St. Zone R-1-5 C-10711 N.H. 8-12-71 Lot 36- Agreement with Richard L. and Lorrin Boyer to construct a first and second story addition to a single-family dwelling with interior access from a foyer/living room stairway and outside access off a deck, located at 3426 Chicago Street, zone Rl-5000. Agreement #4137 10-31-88 Lot 16- Agreement with Charles J, & Susan C, Manion to construct a 2 story garage with a poolside 3/4 bath (toilet, sink, shower) and foldup stairway leading to storage attic, located at 3742 Baker Street, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement /14265 4-27-89