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Bay Terraces #1 Card 2

BAY TERRACES #1 CARD 2.tif-- Cardf/,2 Lot 494- Permit to Penas4uitos, Inc. for Southern Cal.ifornia Terraces, Inc. to constr & maintain for a period of l yr a sales office & four model homes on lot in subdiv., at 2600 Blk Al ta View Dr. betw Paris Way and Parkside Ave. Zone R-2A. Cond '1. (t:f:r:~=.?:~,;l.:,z,J!J____________________________::::'.::~_!:~:----------------~====~----- Lot 490- Z,A;._ considered the req of Southern California Terraces, Inc, to maintain for a period of l yr an exist 81 x 20' single-faced, non-ilium, subd directional. sign advert "The P!lias", mile to the SW; sign is 15' high and obs O' front yard where 10 1 is req, NE cor of Alta View Dr and Woodman St., Zone cA and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the sign for ~~~2~~~~~~~~:-=~~~::______________ ~::~~::_____________________::::::~----- Lot 492- z.A. considered the request of Southern California Terraces, Inc. to maintain for a period of l yr an exist 61 x 10' single-faced, non-illum, subd directional sign advert "The Pines", mile to the SW; the sign is 12' high and obs O' front yard where 10 1 is req in the CO zone, NW cor of Alta View Dr and Woodman st. Zone co, and has DENIED as requested but ~VED the sign for a period ending July 11 1975, Cond'l. 1,-jt_ff:..~1~!:zJ_f;;_~I;.;'f]~fi---!/J_.f:t;JJf_'t~~:l6f_:::~=~---------------------:=::=~----- Lot 495- Z,A. considered the request of Southern Cal.ifornia Terraces, Inc. to maintain for a period of 1 yr an exist 9' x 15' single-faced, non-ilium, subd directional. sign advert "The Pines" mile to the So; the sign is 12' high and obs O' front yard where 15' is required, SW cor Alta View Dr and Parkside Avenue, Zone R-2A and has DENIED as requested bi;it APPROVED 1 ~ Sl~R A PERIOD ENDING July 11 1975 Cond 'L ~-'----~-t._-:;r_;~;It{;~~:~-----------------~:::~:=---------------------~=~==~------