Bayard Subd Card 1
BAYARD SUBD CARD 1.tif... >....-- BAVARD SUBDIVISION l-1 5-"'-.;.] I,._:-, I r_' '- "'.) _.-,{ CARD #1 Lot 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ROBERT J. & BRIGITTE H. COLZANI to construct a 14 1-611 X 16'-2" (234 sq. ft.) storage dhed addition to an existing nonconforming building, to result in 43% lot coverage where 40"/o is the maximum permitted, at 5160Bayard st., Zone R-2A. Conditions. C-17767 NH 9-23-82 0-fPtA-1--.- ui~,-ltDR'a,u:J NQ"c. be er,.?i9c,-- 'f'B:R-.-f'A::L