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Bayberry Unit #2 Card 1

BAYBERRY UNIT #2 CARD 1.tif-.,.-,,.ill.... ..,;,,.,:.......... -..... BAVBERIW UNIT #2 c:,.;:o,-a,'-11~ CARD I Lot 89 Permit to Rice Const. Co. to use res as model hm with 3 1 x 5 1 sign on legs back of sb, at 3767, Crete St., R-1, for I yr Case #550 6-25-56 Lot 90 Permit to Rice Const. Co. to use res as model home & sales Office with 3 1 x 5 1 sign & 2-faced 4 1 x 8 1 sign on 5 1 legs, signs to observe the sb req., at 3781 Crete St., R-1, for 1 yr. = Case 551 6-25-56 Lot 91 Permit to Rice Const. Co. to use res as model, with 3 1 x 5 1 sign on legs back of sb t 3791 Crete St R-1 1 for 1 yr Case 552 6-25-56 Lot 92 Permit to Rice Const Co. to use res as model with 3 1 x 5' sign back of sb at 3281 Chicago St, 1 R-1 for 1 yr Case 553 6-25-56 Lot 93 Permit to Rice Const. Co. to erect 8 1 x 12 1 sign back of sb 3271 Chicago St., R-1 for 1 yr Case 598 6-25-56 Lot 105-AGGREEMENT to Valerio S. Rodriguez of 4351 Piper St., to construct detached t~-story guest house behind existing single family dwelling. AGREEMENT 1564 12-5-59