Bayshore Addition Block 3 Card 3
BAYSHORE ADDITION BLOCK 3 CARD 3.tif / BA.YSHORE ADDrrION card# 3 Por- Pt. Loma Properties, owner & Yac~t Club Inn of Pt. Loma, Inc., lessee (Geo. Gottfried, Sam Ford Fishbein) APPEALED CBse No. 5565 and the Board resolved that the dee ision of the Zoning P,dministrator with respect to the Restaurant & Cocktail sign be upheld & tne appeal denied; t.1at the decision of the Zoning Administrator with respect to the reduction in size of the Yacht Club Inn sign & the signs on the Tower be over-ruled & the appeal granted. Case No. 5565 5-21-63--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por (as per legal) Permit to Yacht Harbor Co (John Ii Knox) to erect & maintain 1 illuminated ground sign, 81 wide by 14' overall height in an R-4 Zone, at 1021 ~cott st; denied as requested, but approved with changes a,1d conditions. Case No 8778 8-1-68 Por- Permit DENIED to Dow J. Byers & Assoc. to increase nt of exist pole, raise face of sign 5' (as permitted by C-8778) and add a 5' x 8 1 interior illum, dble-faced, reader ~oard underneath, overall nt 17', where a max 40 sq ft sign is perm & no signs shall be illum at 1021 Scott St betw 'l'albot & Upahur Sts., Zone R-4. C-10214 12-9-70