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Bayview Add Block 2 Card2

BAYVIEW ADD BLOCK 2 CARD2.tif BAYVIEW ADDITION-z..11 t..,'- ~4,. 1 Block 2 Lot I- Permit to Robert E. Downen to constr 5-unit 2-story apt bldg (I) obs~ fr yd (2) balconies obs 7' fear yd, bldg obs 121 rear yd and 3 posts supporting be.1ms obs 01 rear yd AS AMENDED (3) 4-off-str pkg sp DENIED (4) access to pkg to be from 20 1 wide easement located on Donahue St. (closed) adj to the West DENIED (5) to result in 56% lot coverage (6) erect approx 100' ret wall ranging in ht from 3'-14' obs O' front yd, at k 5763 Riley St., Zone R-3. Condit. 4 +-~ <:ii-d-+'-n:~- ~-0.. v__ \ c)- t-;1 1 {.La.- i '-f-? D)________ c-15440_________ 3122179__________ ~1-~~ ~, lO-l-i~c~-4-'gi)