Bayview Add Block 3 Card 1
BAYVIEW ADD BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif Lot T- Coad permit to W. S. Kill to conv gar att to rea into bdrm, 2' aideyd, 5811-0 Gain St (Friar Rd) Rea. ~298 11/30/~9------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 7- Shelby Hill to convert my gar which is attach(,d to the res, to a bedrm. AGREEMENT #620 December?,: 959- Permit to R. E. Muga to const a three-story four-unit condominium bldg; (I) to 15 1 rear yard with stairways obs an 11 1 rear yard; (2) stairways obs a 5 1 front yard; (3) building to obs a 4 1 int side yard on south side and a 7' interior side yard on north side with stairs obs a 4' int side yard where 7 1 Is required;.,d5) to res in 54% ~~~:--~~~:-~~~=~~-~~~==~:--~~~=-~=~:--=~~~~~~~~~:__::~:~:::__::~~=:~:-~~~tJJi~~~~!tt,;~~~/e... ots 5 & 6- Permit to Don Cal Investment Co., at N.E. Corner Gaines & Eureka, Zone R=3, o cons r 3-story 10-unlt condo obs 10 1 rear yd, 8 1 street side yard, 4' interior side yard and 6 balconies obs 10 1 611 front yard, Condit. ~::-P;;:;1t-APPRovEo-bv-zA-t;-GunMA~-sRoolE-coMPANv-t~-~~~;:~~:: 4:-f~~;:~~lt-t:~~~~::~;; ~inium building observing (1) 4 1 interior side yard where 7' is required; (2) 15 1 rear yard where 18 1 is requi,red; (3) stairs and balcony observing 8 1611 street side yard on Riley Street where 10 1 is required; (4) arch i tectura I project ions o6serv i ng 13 1 611 front yard where 15 1 is required;(5) provide 35/o landscaping on Eureka Street (255 sq. ft.) where 40"/o is required (725 sq. ft.), at SE corner of Eureka and Riley Street- 11~7 (Street Address), Zone R-3. Conditions. c-16937 9-19-80