Bayview Add Block 7 Card1
BAYVIEW ADD BLOCK 7 CARD1.tif CARD #1 ILOCX 7::Z.7, L,C- '2\~-111 \----~:,.. 6 fl..,. Lota 4,5,6 to be used to maintain living quarter for employee ot polo field, atablea, club bouae, and All:Block 8 parkiDg lot- R. J:. Hazard Res 189 10/8/42. Lot1t"t'"c{5;g2 Permit to Deloris L.- Vander Muelen- to con~t- a- 4-~nit- a~~-~;oj~~~- t~-;,;-;-12-;- ' I front yard on Donahue Street. 1069 Donahue Street. R-3 Zone. C-15046 NH. 1t-5-78. /Lot 1- Permit to Stephen W. & Merry Lynn Lusk to (1) have a 3-story, 5-unit condo obs 15 1 rear yd where 18 1 is reqd; (2) erect approx 15 1 of 8 1 hi retain wall obs a 7' rear yard; 930 erect approx 25 1 of 8 1 hi retain wall obs a 0 1 front yd, cond. at the Se corner of Gaines & Donahue, Zone R-3. C-15704 12/20/78--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 12- Perm-it to Fred Helm at 1094 Eureka St., Zone R-3, to constr 3-story 2-bedroom 4-unit condo bldg (I) obs 5311 Interior side yard; (2) 2 driveways 10 1 apart; (3) providing 4 off-street pkg sps on-s I te and 2 spaces off-s I te. Cond It. /' ~--~.:-Q.-=1:t-::._"\__ r~. = rl f? A-=--~~-W-~--~~[~J.:l~ ~J \-9_-