Bayview Add Block 8
BAYVIEW ADD BLOCK 8.tif?- ~ '\.,(. '~~ BLOCKS '2.7l L.c "2.\"6-111\ . IA'fVIBV ADDiflOlf Lot 6- Permit to R. E. & Jruce R. Hazard to erect Off le Cl.ub House at YUII& & Col.1111a St, in connec w/polo field Res 75227 9/30/'41 All- to be used parking lot in connec w/usea on Block 7 Rea 189 10/8/42------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Permit to Edmund Marineau to operate restaurant in former club house and to aell beer w/ala and maintain one exist sign Rea. 3658 1/12/'49 Lota 5,6,7,8- Permit to Dr. Eugene French representing San Diego Youth for Christ to conat & operate b.edqtra bldg, lUy aide Yuma, Zone R-'4 c-6826 12/2/6'4 Amended 1/27/65---------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots I, 2, 3, 10, 11 & 12- Permit to San Diego Gas & Electric Co. and Facilities Develop- ment Co. to use property for private tennis court and supplemental pking for condominium bldg on adjoining property to the south in the 1000 Block of Colusa Street. Zone R-3. Conditions. 2-18-77. C-14089.---~-----------------------:--,,---------------------- r1ots 4, 5.~~ 9;- Permit to Facilities Development Co to erect 25 unit apartment bldg,obs12-tront yd on Colusa & Donahue Sts where 15 1 is req & 8 1 st side yd on Friars Rd (Yuma) where 10 1 is req, Zone R-3 C-13700 6/15/76 L~t~-4:-s:-6:-1:_s_&_9_:-p;;;it-t;-F~~iiiti;;-o;~;i;p;;~t-C~p~~y-t;-(i)-~~~;t-;ight-~;;p~;t; and parking structure on lot w exs apt bldg. Carport to obs O' int sd yd; (2) Construction to res in 58% lot coverage. R-3 Zone at Friars Road and Colusa Street (and the north 1/2 of closed Yuma Street adjoining Lots 6 and 7}. Conditi.ons. C-14350 N.l:l. S-4-77--------~-------------~-----.-------------------------