Bayview Homestead Block 13
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 13.tif,-. ~..... ",.-...._...,........... ~,..........--..............-"".........---.,..BA..,.Y:..:.V..:.:I EW::,,-H:.:.:O=M=ES::..:T..::EA:..:.:D::....-_____-:;.,;BL=O=CK:.a....:cl"'3 I D"':'5" L. C.. "'2 O'l.- 17 1.. \ Lot II- Pennit to Wm. J. Jacob to erect 2 private gar to P,L., 1364-9th Ave Res. 65259 12-1-36 Lot 3- Pennit to Edward F. & Josephine Rosing to remodel exist 4-apt bldg into 8 apts 2/co1 of 68"/o & 3 1-811 from main bldg to rear; rear bldg w/3' rear yd, 1337-1343- 8th Ave. Res 525 2-17-44 Lot 12- Cond Permit to Olive Smith Meals, tenant & Frederick Estate, own to continue operating massage & bath parlor, 1366- 9th Ave Res. 708 8-31-44 Lots 10, 11, 12- Permit to S. Fred Littler, own & Travelodge Constr Co., Jes to constr motel encr 7' into req 10' rear yd, 1360-66- 9th Ave, SW cor 9th & Ash, Zone C C-7373 10-19-65 Lots 3 & 4- Permit APPROVED BY AZA to Cortez Villas, A Partnership to construct a JO-story, 56-unit condominium building observing a 10' front yard on Eighth Avenue where 15 1 is required, at 1323-45 Eighth Avenue & 804-818 A Street, Zone CBD. Conditions Case 16615 3-12-80