Bayview Homestead Block 16 Card 1
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 16 CARD 1.tif Lota 5,6- Permit to Mr. Emma c. Dorland to conatr 7' x 13' add 8tb Ave, cov of 68.5~ Ree. 437 SAME- AMElm to 6' x 20 1 add, total cov ot 68.5~ Rea. 447-.. ~#} to exist apt bldg, 16o9- 10/38/43 11/12/43 Lota 7 & 8- Permit to Phil M, & Valerie Dougbty to erect 25-unit mote & apt tor agr; livi11g uni ts not to nave 25 wide driveway in front, 12'-6" acceea, w /18 park space & 3 11 igns- NW cor 9th & Cedar Res. 7858, 7859 11/13/53 Lota 1-4 & 9-12- Permit to Auto Club of So. Calif., purcb & J. Karn, Mary Rhoades, Annie MacCracken, Frank 'l'bornton, Mary E. Swain, Helen Ryder, Wm. M. Oleson, owners, to conatr ott bldg, S side Date betv 8th & 9th, Cond Rea. 9136 8/31/55 ABOVE- $-mo ext Res. 9435 2/15/56 Lots 1-4, 9-12- Permit to Auto Club of So. Calif to conatr office bldg v/4' SB on 8t~ Av~. {15' req), SE cor 8th and Date. C-470 5-21-56 to-is--i&1f___ Pe~ii-i> Eiimi>--;;-;::-i.-ii;.;;iei-o-~ii1~-;-t-;-e--;;ct-;n""e-r-;;;:;;;~-i;g;--- 12 x 5', triple-faced interior illuminated identification sign overall neigllt-51'-4"- edge ot sign will obs O' front yd on Nintn Ave and extend 2'-6" over public rigtlt-way, wllere 15' is req, and O' street sideyard on Cedar Street and extend 2 '6" over public right-of-way wnere 10' st sideyd is req, advert a non-conforming motel permitted at 1616 Ninth Ave betv Cedar and Date St. Zone R-4. C-10962 1-5-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 7 & 8- Permit 1'9" access court & R-4 to Harvey & Rita Hottenstein to constr swim pool with balconies obs bld9s obs 6 1 911 on ea side where 12' access ct req, 1616- 9th Avenue, C-4795 4-2-62