Bayview Homestead Block 19 Card2
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 19 CARD2.tif BAYVIEW HOIBSTEAD BLOCK 19 \o'5' ~' (. 'ZCf2-, 7i(Ct CARD #2 Lot 1 & N! Lot 2 & L0ts 11 & 12 (Tentatively known as Lot 1, Clark Heights) Request TABLED of Joe & Mildred Kucera,- owners & Siesta Motor Inns, Ltd. to (C-8054) const 3-story 47-untt motel obs 5' front yd on 10th Ave. where 15' is req; and to (C-8055} Erect approx 85' of 3' high solid block wall with 3' Open rail fence on top around swimming pool, fence to obs 0' st side yd on Beech St. & 9' front yd on 9th Ave. where a 3' high fence is perm, at 917 Beech St. betw 9th & 10th Aves., Zone R-4 (R-4C, subj to final map). Cases No. 8054 & 8055 5-1-67----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1 & N Lot 2, & Lots 11 & 12 (Tentatively known as Lot 1, Clark Heights) ABOVE Cases No. 8054 & 8055 REOPENED and APPROVED, Gond 11. Cases No. 8054 & 8055 6-1-67 Lot 3- Permit to Sing Suey and Joan Hom to develop parking lot for adjoining apartment dev nortn of subject property, at 1435 Ninth Street, Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-11610 6-26-13---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------