Bayview Homestead Block 21
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 21.tif BAYVIEW HOMES':'FAD o'S t.C> c.- 11 '-\ BLOCK 21, Lot l- Condl permit to Lugenia B. lliles to conduc+ auto parking lot, SE cor 10t', & Ash % Res. 3805 4/6/49 Lots 1 and 2, Permit to Travelodge Corporation to alter and build adds to hotel with no 9-20-50 additions there+o with 9-2Q-50 setback on Ash,t. on gl:: cor of 10th & Ash ~t. Res. 4998 Fermi t to aJ ter existing hotel v1i th 6th rear yd and to build 10ft rear yd. Res. 4998 Lot 2- permit to Lugenia B. Niles, owner, sign with 6 1 x 611 arY'ow sign to be at to planting strip; sign to enCDoaoh 10 1 into perm, at 1344 10th Ave GDX & Travelodge, lessee to erect 2 1- 9" x 5 1 proj exist motel \lhioh encro~ches 10' into req 10 1 req 10 1 planting strip where no structures are c-lA Case /fl599 4/15/66 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Travelodge International, Inc., lessee & Lugenia B. Riles, own to remove exist free-standing ID sign & erect one dble-faced, dble-pole, post mounted 6'4" x 20', 42 16" hi, constant, interior lighted, ID sign for "Travelodge" witll two 8 1 panels & ball betw poles; edge of sign to obs O' distance from property line on 10th Ave., side of sign to obs 4' distance from property line on Asll St., where a 10' landscape strip, clear to the sky, is req on both streets (See c-8259 & 60) at 1345 10th Ave., at the SE cor of its intersection with Ash St. being in the C-lA zone., condl c-9672 2-6-70--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------