Bayview Homestead Block 4 Card 1
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif \6 t.., C.;?.~ 2 1 '. z. I BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 4,, Card Ill Lots 1 & 2- ZA APPROVED request of HBJ REAL PROPERTIES CORP., OWNER: NEIL SENTURIA & SENTURIA INVESTMENTS, PURCHASER to construct a 7-story, 210,000 sq. ft., 650 space parking structure with ground floor to be used for retail space located on the west side of the 1300 Block of Sixth Avenue, CBD Zone, Cnetre City Overlay Zone, Airport Approach Zone. Conditions. /1,L,;o /,..Dr, fe 8 ~G-L SLILt'il 1+011.:re> 's,+DJ.Ji r,;,,... C-19968 9-16-88 Lots 1 & 2, CSP granted ty ZA, INCOME PARKING FUND LTD PRTSH filed to allow for 21 signs + 4 signs at 1350 6th Av, 11 A11 Zone CSP 92-0388 6-26-92------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 & 2, granted CSP by ZA, THE PARKING PALACE PARTNERS filed to allow for 21 signs + 1 sign at 13 50 6th Av, 11 A II Zone CSP 91-0284 5-17-91----------------------------------------------------------------------