Bayview Homestead Block 7 Card 1
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif Lota 11,12- Permit to P, J. Grall to bld apt bouae to prop line Rea 46023 fl CARD #1 6/18/28 Lota 7,8,9,10- Permit to Morley Golden & Ruel iiuett, own, & Rate Roaenberg, purch- to conat 120 unit, 16 to 18 story apt bouae w/tirat 2 floort for auto park below adJ to 7th Ave but~ 20' abv grade at rear w/apt structure abv w/100 park apacef~ on 7th Ave, 0'-- aide yd, 0' at aide yd, 0' rear yd, cov l~; apta to oba 7'-- aicle yd, i O' at aide yd, req rear yd,&; cov, 1'W cor:Beech & 7th, R-4, Cond ~ 636o, 6361 1 3/27/64 AMDD 6/4/64, AMDD 6/16/64, Ext T/29/64, Ext to exp 7/29/65, AMDD 1/14/65 ABOVE- AGREEMlli'r 1323-A- sufficient no. park apace in add to 100 or more, not aore 200' to,oo from apt bldg 6/3/64 ABOJE- Rate Roeenberg for 19-atory, 135-unit apt w/135 par stacked park epacea, w/lower 2- atory pdg structure par under, cov 100' of lot, 0' int aide yd, 0' et aide yd, 0' rear yd, 0' BB,; upper 17 etoriea cov ~-,,:o\,l'.8!:6",iae yd, 0' et aide yd, B'rear yd, O' SB, 11W cor Beech & Ttn, R-4 ~' 7057 '4/12/65____.f~~:J.i-)~~!1.,~~;~~~L:~~:~~~-=-~~=~~~:_tltil:i'L~]i:~_tfct~~:tt~~~tj:~:________--..