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Bayview Homestead Block 7 Card 2

BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 7 CARD 2.tif \-5""0 (_.,(_. 7..c,z.-t,c., BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 7- CARD #2 Lots 7 tnru 10- Z.A. nas consideredtne request of Nate Rosenberg Enterprises, Owner, & Fabulous Inns of America, Pur~naser to (1) constr 53 unit, 99~tory, apt bldg with two basemements wnere max density of 50 units is perm (2) witn swimming pool and two saunas located on tne ground floor where such use is perm only above ground floor (3) bldg to obs 10' front yd and architectural projections to obs 9 14" front yd on Beecn St wnere 15' is req (4) obs 10' rear yd and architectural projections to obs 9'4" rear yd wnere 17' is req NW cor Seventh Ave and Beech St. Zone R-4, and nas (1) DEH!ED (2) APPROVED (3) DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 10' front yd along Beacn St. (4) DENIED as requested, but APPROVED l.5' rear ya~.., C~fl.9,' l,r,- C-11.277-_ \ 6-28-72 i; s\ ~~-t::dic:.49"~~-~~lal.-.i?7:.2.~l.Jil...:dlj/:&U:t_~./..3..-1.:Z.-2.S:i'--.!:.:~ 'J