Bayview Homestead Block 8 Card 2
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif BAY VIEW HOMSTEAD \ <;, o L,, C... c.',.-.,-2-. l'1 <::.. I BLOCK 8 4' Card #2 Lot 11- ZA considered amended request of DIMITRI KERIOTIS to constr a 3-story bldg with 2, 2-bedrooms units and a parking garage. I) To observe a 0 1 interior side yd where 7' is required; & 3) to observe a 6 1411 rear yard where 18' is reqd at 1654 Seventh Ave., Zone R-400, and after consideration had DENIED as requested, but APPROVED Item I, subj to conds. c-18773 4/26/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11- The City excess portion of GRANTED. Map 150. Council of the City of San Diego has resolved that the vacation of the the unnamed right-of-way westerly of Seventh Ave adjacent to Lot 11 is RESO NO. R-274188 8/7/89 Lots 5 & 6, pushcart pernit, approved by ZA, KEVIN HENNESSY/SIXTH & CEDAR LTD sought pushcart permit to encroach into right of way.l(public) at 1609 Sixth Av, Areqa C of the Centre City Comm Plnd Dist C21214 9-21-94-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 5 & 6, pushcart permit approved by SCA, Marc William Taylor, lessee, Sixth & Cedar LTD, owner sought a pushcart permit to encroach into the public right-of-way at 1609 Sixth Avenue, Area C C-21264 3-17-95